Women's Circles

We have three Women’s Circles (Faith, Friendship and Joy/Peace) that meet monthly for faith studies and fellowship.

Our women’s circles do a variety of outreach projects throughout the year including: clothing and food collections and coordinating school supply donations. These are just a few of the ways our women reach out to others. The circles are open to any woman, young or old.

Regular Meeting Times

Faith: 1st Tuesday at 1:00 p.m.       Friendship: 1st Monday at 6:30 p.m.       Joy/Peace: 1st Sunday at 8:30 a.m.


Ties That Bind (Quilting Ministry)

Faith Circle and St. Mark's Church Women have revitalized the ministry of providing tied quilts for Lutheran World Relief. (For many years, Helen and Harvey Soll engineered this project and we are grateful for their efforts.) This group of volunteers (men are welcome, as well as people who are not members of St. Mark's) will meet the LAST Thursday of every month for fellowship and service to measure, cut, iron, assemble and tie these quilts using materials hopefully donated by members of our congregation. Cotton or polyester fabric, flat or fitted 60 " X 80 " bed sheets, embroidery floss, sewing thread and large needles are among items needed to begin. Look for a complete list of items in the newsletters and bulletins. One DOES NOT need to be a "quilter" to assist with this project! But many volunteers are needed as "many hands make light work". 

Thank you to Sharon Renshaw for agreeing to be coordinator of this project. Donated items may be left in the Fellowship Hall and clearly mark them for "Quilters". We hope to see you as we make quilts for LWR once again and can be a part of this worthy ministry. 

Quilters Wishlist

  • Steam Iron
  • Embroidery Floss
  • Fabric
  • Bed Sheets – Flat and Fitted (needs to measure 60 x 80)
  • Sewing Machine Thread
  • Sewing Machines
  • 2 Cardboard Cutting Mats
  • Rotary Cutter and Blades
  • Blue Tape
  • Scissors
  • Large Self Healing Cutting Mat
  • Large Needles for tying quilts

Charitable Giving

Funds raised by the women of St. Marks go to support many programs sponsored by the NE Synod of the ELCA. Also, thru our community outreach we make donations to fund many Service Organizations in the surrounding communities. Listed below are the organizations & people we gave donations to for 2023 and the amount given. We want to thank the members of St. Mark's for their continued support in helping make these donations possible. 

Charitable Giving for 2023

  • $300.00   Campus Ministries
  • $700.00   Care-A-Van
  • $600.00   COPE
  • $300.00   Girl Scouts of NE - Troop 44853
  • $500.00   Least of My Brethren
  • $500.00   Lutheran Family Services
  • $200.00   Nebr. Children's Home Society
  • $200.00   Nebr. Lutheran Outdoor Ministries
  • $500.00   Pastors Discretionary Fund
  • $200.00   Prison Ministries
  • $400.00   Salvation Army - Human Trafficking
  • $400.00   Table Grace Café

$4800.00  Total

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